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Chelsea - Fresh Flower Bouquet

Categories: Bouquet
Golden is a custom-made bouquet requested by a client which, after sharing on our social media accounts, became an instant hit. So we thought of adding it to our collection. This is one of the few bouquets we have with a touch of Lavender.

Just Married
Just Married is a romantic trip down memory lane to the very special day of your lives - your wedding!

Palangga is a Bisaya word (Filipino dialect) that means beloved. It’s a beautiful home or office adornment to keep your loved one company all year round.

Quince - Fresh Flower Bouquet
Quince's combination of colors is one that exudes positivity and hope. It's a favorite gift to brighten someone's day!

Summer - Fresh Flower Bouquet

Tala - Fresh Flower Bouquet
Tala is a Filipino for stars. This arrangement may not be made of stars but it definitely has the same vibrant colors.

Sold out
Tillie - Fresh Holland Tulips
Tillie is an exclusive and limited edition arrangement - available only during peak season.

Tyla 10s - Fresh Holland Tulips
Tyla is a big bouquet of 10 fresh Holland Tulips. You can opt for a monochrome or a combination of 2 colors

Tyla 20s - Fresh Holland Tulips
Tyla is a big bouquet of 20 fresh Holland Tulips. You can opt for a monochrome or a combination of 2 colors.